Interface HstComponentInfo

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface HstComponentInfo

Basic information interface for component configuration.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      Returns the id for this component configuration. The id must be unique within the container HstComponentsConfiguration, or null if it is not needed to be directly accessed by the HstComponentsConfiguration through HstComponentsConfiguration.getComponentConfiguration(String). Every HstComponentConfiguration that can be referred to from within a HstSiteMapItem must have an id.
      the id of this component configuration or null if no id set
    • getName

      String getName()
      Return the name of this component configuration. It must be unique amongst siblings. The value returned by this method, is the value that must be used in rendering code (jsp/velocity/freemarker) to include the output of a child HstComponent instance.
      the logical name this component configuration, unique amongst its siblings
    • getComponentClassName

      String getComponentClassName()
      the fully-qualified class name of the class implementing the HstComponent interface
    • getParametersInfoClassName

      String getParametersInfoClassName()
      if configured, the fully-qualified class name of the interface representing ParametersInfo for a component, and otherwise null.
    • isStandalone

      boolean isStandalone()
      true when this HstComponentConfiguration is configured to be rendered standalone in case of HstURL.COMPONENT_RENDERING_TYPE
    • isAsync

      boolean isAsync()
      Rendering asynchronous is very useful for hst components that are uncacheable, depend on external services, or take long to render.
      true when this HstComponentConfiguration is configured to be rendered asynchronous.
    • getAsyncMode

      String getAsyncMode()
      Optional mode parameter to determine which technology should used for rendering asynchronous component. e.g., 'ajax', 'esi', etc.
    • isCompositeCacheable

      boolean isCompositeCacheable()
      true if rendering / resource requests can have their entire page http responses cached. Note that a HstComponentConfiguration by default is cacheable unless configured not to be cacheable. A HstComponentConfiguration is only cacheable if and only if all its descendant HstComponentConfigurations for the request are cacheable : Note explicitly for 'the request', thus HstComponentConfiguration that are isAsync() and its descendants can be uncacheable while an ancestor HstComponentConfiguration can stay cacheable
    • isSuppressWasteMessage

      boolean isSuppressWasteMessage()
      When the HstComponentWindow#getResponseState() of this HstComponentInfo is not flushed by its parent rendering, a warning message about possible waste detection can be logged. If you want to suppress this message, isSuppressWasteMessage() should return true
      true when possible waste messages about this component should be suppressed
    • getLabel

      String getLabel()
      the label if present and null otherwise
    • getComponentType

      HstComponentConfiguration.Type getComponentType()
      the HstComponentConfiguration.Type of this component
    • getAndSetLogWasteMessageProcessed

      boolean getAndSetLogWasteMessageProcessed()
      when a component does have children which do not get flushed to the parent component, a waste message is logged by default on WARN level. However, this can be logged for every request flooding the logs. Instead, better to log it only once if the log level is WARN and only log it for every request if the log level is set to DEBUG Note that on the first get, the boolean is flipped to true : this method can be invoked concurrently and also modifies a boolean in the shared underlying Hst Model