Interface ContextualizableMount

All Superinterfaces:
Mount, MutableMount

public interface ContextualizableMount extends MutableMount
internal only api for being able to decorate a Mount to a preview Mount
  • Method Details

    • getPreviewHstSite

      HstSite getPreviewHstSite()
      internal only : not api
      the preview hstSite of this mount. If this mount is already a preview mount, the same is returned as Mount.getHstSite(). Returned value can be null if this mount does not point to a hst:site as mountpoint
    • getPreviewChannel

      Channel getPreviewChannel()
      internal only : not api
      the preview Channel of this mount. If this mount is already a preview mount, the same is returned as Mount.getChannel(). Returned value can be null if this mount does not have a channel. If there is no explicit preview channel, then the preview is the same as the live, and this method will return same instance as for Mount.getChannel()
    • getPreviewChannelInfo

      <T extends ChannelInfo> T getPreviewChannelInfo()
      internal only : not api The preview channel properties for this mount.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type of the channel info. Only checked at runtime on assignment.
      A preview channel properties instance.