Interface HstSite

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface HstSite
The HstSite object is the object representing a site. It contains a reference to the site's components configuration returned by getComponentsConfiguration() and the site's sitemap, returned by getSiteMap() and the site's LocationMapTree return by getLocationMapTree()
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Each contained HstSite within its HstSites container has a unique name. getName() returns this unique name.
      the unique name for this HstSite within its HstSites container.
    • getCanonicalIdentifier

      String getCanonicalIdentifier()
      Returns the identifier of the backing canonical configuration node of the HstSite.
      the identifier of the backing HstSite
    • getSiteMapItemHandlersConfiguration

      HstSiteMapItemHandlersConfiguration getSiteMapItemHandlersConfiguration()
      the siteMapItemHandlersConfiguration for this HstSite
    • getComponentsConfiguration

      HstComponentsConfiguration getComponentsConfiguration()
      the componentsConfiguration for this HstSite
    • getSiteMap

      HstSiteMap getSiteMap()
      the hstSiteMap for this HstSite
    • getLocationMapTree

      LocationMapTree getLocationMapTree()
      The location map is an inverted version from the HstSiteMap: Instead of mapping for URLs to relativecontentpath's, the location map is a mapping from relativecontentpaths to URLs
      the location map for this HstSite
    • getLocationMapTreeComponentDocuments

      LocationMapTree getLocationMapTreeComponentDocuments()
      The component documents location map is mapping from documents to sitemap items only now specifically linked to from a hst component that belongs to the sitemap item (and thus not via the relativecontentpaths )
      the location map for this HstSite
    • getSiteMenusConfiguration

      HstSiteMenusConfiguration getSiteMenusConfiguration()
      Returns the configured HstSiteMenusConfiguration for this HstSite or null if this HstSite does not make use of a HstSiteMenusConfiguration
      the HstSiteMenusConfiguration for this HstSite or null
    • getConfigurationPath

      String getConfigurationPath()
      the absolute location where the configuration for this HstSite is stored
    • hasPreviewConfiguration

      boolean hasPreviewConfiguration()
      true when this HstSite has a different configuration than the live.
    • getChannel

      Channel getChannel()
      The Channel object instance to which this HstSite belongs, or null if this HstSite does not contain a Channel
    • getChannelInfo

      <T extends ChannelInfo> T getChannelInfo()
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type of the channel info. Only checked at runtime on assignment.
      A channel properties instance or null in case getChannel() returns null or when the ChannelInfo interface cannot be loaded by the current classLoader