Interface HstSiteMenusConfiguration

public interface HstSiteMenusConfiguration
Implementations should return an unmodifiable map for getSiteMenuConfigurations() because clients should not be able to modify the configuration
  • Method Details

    • getSite

      HstSite getSite()
      Return the HstSite this HstSiteMenusConfiguration belongs to.
      the site this HstSiteMenusConfiguration belongs to
    • getSiteMenuConfigurations

      Map<String,HstSiteMenuConfiguration> getSiteMenuConfigurations()
      Returns the map containing all HstSiteMenuConfiguration's and an empty map if there are no HstSiteMenuConfiguration's.

      Note: implementation should better return an unmodifiable map to make sure clients cannot modify the map

      map containing all HstSiteMenuConfiguration's and an empty map if there are no HstSiteMenuConfiguration's
    • getSiteMenuConfiguration

      HstSiteMenuConfiguration getSiteMenuConfiguration(String name)
      name - the name of the HstSiteMenuConfiguration
      the HstSiteMenuConfiguration with this name and null if does not exist