Interface HstSiteMap

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface HstSiteMap
A HstSiteMap contains a list of (root) HstSiteMapItem objects which themselves might contain additional HstSiteMapItem children and so on. As a HstSiteMapItem might have an id, which needs to be unique within the HstSiteMap, through which a direct lookup of such a HstSiteMapItem is also possible

NOTE: As HstComponent instances can access HstSiteMap instances but should not be able to modify them, implementations must make sure that through the api a HstSiteMap instance cannot be changed. Returned List and Map should be therefor unmodifiable.

  • Method Details

    • getSite

      HstSite getSite()
      Return the HstSite this HstSiteMap belongs to.
      the site this HstSiteMap belongs to
    • getSiteMapItems

      List<HstSiteMapItem> getSiteMapItems()
      The list of SiteMapItem's that are root items. They represent the first paths of the urls. Implementations should return an unmodifiable list, for example the one returned by Collections.unmodifiableList(List) to avoid client code changing configuration
      a List of all root SiteMapItem's
    • getSiteMapItem

      HstSiteMapItem getSiteMapItem(String value)
      Return the child HstSiteMapItem that has the corresponding value (HstSiteMapItem.getValue() ) and null otherwise
      value - the value of the child HstSiteMapItem as it would be returned by HstSiteMapItem.getValue()
      Returns the HstSiteMapItem object corresponding to the unique value and null if no HstSiteMapItem exists with this value in this HstSiteMapItem object.
    • getSiteMapItemById

      HstSiteMapItem getSiteMapItemById(String id)
      Return the child HstSiteMapItem that has the corresponding id (HstSiteMapItem.getId() ) and null otherwise
      id - the id of the child HstSiteMapItem as it would be return by HstSiteMapItem.getId()
      Returns the HstSiteMapItem object corresponding to the unique id and null if no HstSiteMapItem exists with this refId in this HstSiteMapItem object.
    • getSiteMapItemByRefId

      HstSiteMapItem getSiteMapItemByRefId(String refId)
      Return the child HstSiteMapItem that has the corresponding refId (HstSiteMapItem.getRefId() ) and null otherwise
      refId - the refId of the child HstSiteMapItem as it would be return by HstSiteMapItem.getRefId()
      Returns the HstSiteMapItem object corresponding to the unique refId and null if no HstSiteMapItem exists with this refId in this HstSiteMapItem object.