Interface InternalHstSiteMapItem

All Superinterfaces:
CanonicalInfo, HstSiteMapItem

public interface InternalHstSiteMapItem extends HstSiteMapItem, CanonicalInfo
Internal only api to represent HstSiteMapItem by joining with CanonicalInfo in sitemapitem matcher
  • Method Details

    • getWildCardPatternChild

      InternalHstSiteMapItem getWildCardPatternChild(String pathElementValue, List<InternalHstSiteMapItem> wildCardChildSiteMapItems, List<InternalHstSiteMapItem> excludedSiteList)
      Internal only! Not an api.
      pathElementValue - any value splitted by slash in path like /path/to/element
      wildCardChildSiteMapItems - List of HstSiteMapItem items that match with a wildcard pattern
      excludedSiteList - sites to be excluded from traverse
    • getAnyPatternChild

      InternalHstSiteMapItem getAnyPatternChild(String[] pathElements, int position, List<InternalHstSiteMapItem> anyChildSiteMapItems, List<InternalHstSiteMapItem> excludedSiteList)
      Internal only! Not an api.
      pathElements - list of path elements to traverse
      position - of the path element
      anyChildSiteMapItems - List of HstSiteMapItem items that match with any pattern
      excludedSiteList - sites to be excluded from traverse
    • patternMatch

      boolean patternMatch(String pathElementValue, String prefix, String postfix)
      Internal only! Not an api. Tries to match a path element value with a prefix and a postfix.
      pathElementValue - any value splitted by slash in path like /path/to/element
      prefix - of the wildcard
      postfix - of the wildcard
      returns true if the value of the path element matches with prefix and postfix
    • getWildCardPrefix

      String getWildCardPrefix()
      prefix of the wildcard definition
    • getWildCardPostfix

      String getWildCardPostfix()
      postfix of the wildcard definition
    • getWildCardChildSiteMapItems

      List<InternalHstSiteMapItem> getWildCardChildSiteMapItems()
      List of HstSiteMapItem items that configured to be accessed by a wildcard
    • getAnyChildSiteMapItems

      List<InternalHstSiteMapItem> getAnyChildSiteMapItems()
      List of HstSiteMapItem items that configured to be accessed by any