Interface HstSiteMenuItemConfiguration

public interface HstSiteMenuItemConfiguration
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      the name of this SiteMenuItem
    • getSiteMapItemPath

      String getSiteMapItemPath()
      The sitemapitem path can point to a sitemap item that contains wildcards. The sitemapitem path can be for example 'news/2009/may', and the sitemap item which is resolved as the link to this sitemenu item might be 'news/'*'/'*''
      the sitemap path that should be able to resolve the link for this sitemenu configuration item
    • getExternalLink

      String getExternalLink()
      When a sitemenu item has an external link (http://...) configured, it is retrieved by this method. When no external link is configured, null is returned. When an external link is configured, the getSiteMapItemPath() is ignored
      the configured external link or null if non is configured
    • getHstSiteMenuConfiguration

      HstSiteMenuConfiguration getHstSiteMenuConfiguration()
      the container HstSiteMenuConfiguration of this HstSiteMenuItemConfiguration
    • getChildItemConfigurations

      List<HstSiteMenuItemConfiguration> getChildItemConfigurations()
      all direct child SiteMenuItemConfiguration's of this item
    • getParentItemConfiguration

      HstSiteMenuItemConfiguration getParentItemConfiguration()
      the parent HstSiteMenuItemConfiguration and null is none exists (ie, it is a root)
    • getProperties

      Map<String,Object> getProperties()
      When developers have customized SiteMenuItem configuration with extra properties, these properties can be accessed through this Map
      a Map containing the value for every property in the backing content provider for this SiteMenuItem
    • isRepositoryBased

      boolean isRepositoryBased()
      true when below this sitemenu item repository based navigation is expected
    • getDepth

      int getDepth()
      the depth of repository based items in case of repository based navigation
    • getParameter

      String getParameter(String name)
      A HstSiteMenuItemConfiguration can contain a Map of parameters. A parameter from this Map can be accessed through this method. If it is not present, null will be returned. Parameters are inherited from ancestor HstSiteMenuItemConfiguration's. When this HstSiteMenuItemConfiguration configures the same parameter as an ancestor, the value from the ancestor is overwritten. Implementations should return an unmodifiable map, for example java.util.Collections.UnmodifiableMap<K extends Object,V extends Object> to avoid client code changing configurationn
      name - the name of the parameter
      the value of the parameter or null when not present
    • getLocalParameter

      String getLocalParameter(String name)
      The value of the local parameter, where there are no parameters inherited from ancestor items
      name - the name of the parameter
      the value of the parameter or null when not present
      See Also:
    • getParameters

      Map<String,String> getParameters()
      Parameters are inherited from ancestor HstSiteMenuItemConfiguration's. When this HstSiteMenuItemConfiguration configures the same parameter as an ancestor, the value from the ancestor is overwritten.
      the Map of parameters contained in this HstSiteMenu. If no parameters present, and empty map is returned
      See Also:
    • getLocalParameters

      Map<String,String> getLocalParameters()
      the Map of parameters contained in this HstSiteMenuItemConfiguration. If no parameters present, and empty map is returned
      See Also:
    • getMountAlias

      String getMountAlias()
      If not null the mount belonging to this alias is used for creating the sitemenu item link
      the alias of the Mount to create the link for and null if the mount from the HstRequestContext can be used
    • getRoles

      Set<String> getRoles()

      Returns the roles that are allowed to view this HstSiteMenuItemConfiguration. If a request is not in the right role (HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole(String)}), the sitemenu item won't be visible. If the sitemeniitem does not have any roles defined by itself, it inherits them from the parent. If it defines roles by itself, the roles from any ancestor are ignored.

      An empty list of roles (property exists but no values) means nobody can view the sitemenuitem!. A missing property for roles means everybody can view the sitemenu item.

      The set of roles that are allowed to view this sitemenu item. When no property roles defined, the roles from the parent item are inherited. If no-one is allowed to view this item, an Empty list of roles should be returned. If everyone is allowed to view this item, null must be returned