Annotation Interface IndexField

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) @Documented public @interface IndexField

Annotation that can be used on a public getter method to indicate that its return value or object should be indexed. If a name is specified, the value of the name will be used as the indexing field. If name is missing, the name of the getter method is used without the 'get' or 'is' part and the first letter lowercased. Thus for example

     public class NewsBean extends BaseBean{

         public  String getAuthor() {
             // return author
Would result in an index field 'author'

     public class NewsBean extends BaseBean{

         public  String getAuthor() {
             // return author
would result in a index field 'writer'


Adding ignoreInCompound = true Makes it possible to annotate a method that should not be indexed for compound ContentBeans. For example when you have the bean structure below, you do not need the getPath, canonicalUUID, etc etc from the Author to be indexed. By adding this (ignoreInCompound = true) to the IndexField annotation, the method will be skipped when indexing a compound bean into its container bean Default, ignoreInCompound is false when not specified

     public class NewsBean implements IdendifiableContentBean {

         public  String getPath() {
             // return path

        public  void setPath(String path) {
            // set path
        public Author getAuthor() {
            // return author


     // the Compound
     public class Author implements IdendifiableContentBean {

         public  String getPath() {
             // return path

         public  void setPath(String path) {
            // set path

         public String getName() {
             // return name


     public interface IdendifiableContentBean {

        @IndexField(name="id", ignoreInCompound = true)
        public String getPath();

        public void setPath(String path);


In the above example, when indexing getAuthor for NewsBean, it won't index the getPath for author in that case because of the ignoreInCompound = true
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
  • Field Details

  • Element Details

    • name

      String name
      Returns the field name.
    • ignoreInCompound

      boolean ignoreInCompound