Interface ContentBean

All Known Subinterfaces:
HippoAssetBean, HippoBean, HippoCompoundBean, HippoDocumentBean, HippoFacetChildNavigationBean, HippoFacetNavigationBean, HippoFolderBean, HippoGalleryImageBean, HippoGalleryImageSetBean, HippoHtmlBean, HippoMirrorBean, HippoRequestBean, HippoResourceBean, HippoResultSetBean, HippoVirtualOnlyBean, IdentifiableContentBean

public interface ContentBean
The marker interface for all beans that can be indexed (thus also compounds): This includes beans that are completely independent of jcr, The beans implementing this ContentBean don't need a IdentifiableContentBean.getIdentifier() identifier. Beans that should be possible to be indexed in something like an inversed index, need to implement IdentifiableContentBean. Typically classes that implement this ContentBean but not IdentifiableContentBean are compounds of an IdentifiableContentBean For example:
     public class NewsBean implements IdentifiableContentBean {

         public  String getPath() {
             // return path

        public  void setPath(String path) {
            // set path

        public Author getAuthor() {
            // return author


     public class Author implements ContentBean {

         public String getName() {
             // return name
