Interface IdentifiableContentBean

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
HippoAssetBean, HippoBean, HippoCompoundBean, HippoDocumentBean, HippoFacetChildNavigationBean, HippoFacetNavigationBean, HippoFolderBean, HippoGalleryImageBean, HippoGalleryImageSetBean, HippoHtmlBean, HippoMirrorBean, HippoRequestBean, HippoResourceBean, HippoResultSetBean, HippoVirtualOnlyBean

public interface IdentifiableContentBean extends ContentBean
The base interface for all identifiable beans: This includes beans that can be completely independent of jcr, for example a bean that represents some external src. The getIdentifier() must return the unique identifier for this IdentifiableContentBean : This is typically the identifier used in indexes
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This returns the identifier of the backing provider for this bean, for example some UUID or /documents/content/myprojec/news/article or, or a RDBMS id, etc It is not allowed for any implementation to return null
    default String
    The representational id for a IdentifiableContentBean is by default equal to the getIdentifier() however implementations can change choose to return another id than the getIdentifier().
    setIdentifier(String identifier)
  • Method Details

    • getIdentifier

      @IndexField(name="id", ignoreInCompound=true) String getIdentifier()

      This returns the identifier of the backing provider for this bean, for example some UUID or /documents/content/myprojec/news/article or, or a RDBMS id, etc It is not allowed for any implementation to return null

      Since the return value for this method is used as the index document identifier, it must be unique for every bean that must be indexed

      the identifier for this IdentifiableContentBean
    • setIdentifier

      void setIdentifier(String identifier)
      identifier - sets the identifier for this IdentifiableContentBean
      See Also:
    • getRepresentationId

      default String getRepresentationId()
      The representational id for a IdentifiableContentBean is by default equal to the getIdentifier() however implementations can change choose to return another id than the getIdentifier(). An example of a subclass (interface) returning a different value is for example the HippoDocumentBean, since this one does return for getRepresentationId() the id of the backing JCR handle uuid instead of the uuid of the document variant.
      the representational id for this IdentifiableContentBean