Interface HippoFacetNavigationBean

All Superinterfaces:
Comparable<HippoBean>, ContentBean, HippoBean, HippoFolderBean, HippoTranslated, IdentifiableContentBean, NodeAware, ObjectConverterAware, PageModelEntity
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface HippoFacetNavigationBean extends HippoFolderBean
Interface for all nodes of type 'hippo:facetnavigation'
  • Method Details

    • getCount

      Long getCount()
      the value of the 'hippo:count' property
      Long value for the count
    • getChildCountsCombined

      Long getChildCountsCombined()
      Return all the hippo:count values of all child HippoFacetNavigationBean combined. This count can be different from the getCount() of this HippoFacetNavigationBean because of two reasons:
      1. A document in the resultset can belong to multiple child HippoFacetNavigationBean's
      2. A document in the resultset can belong to zero child HippoFacetNavigationBean's: this happens for example when the document has a property, say 'my:date' , but its date does not belong to any of the ranges that the child HippoFacetNavigationBean represent
      Return all the hippo:count values of all child HippoFacetNavigationBean combined.
    • getResultSet

      HippoResultSetBean getResultSet()
      the result set below this faceted navigation item and null is there is no resultset node, for example when the count is 0
    • getRootFacetNavigationBean

      HippoFacetNavigationBean getRootFacetNavigationBean()
      the root facetNavigationBean of this HippoFacetNavigationBean. If this HippoFacetNavigationBean is a HippoFacetChildNavigationBean it returns the root, otherwise it might return itself.