Interface QualifiedWorkflowCallbackHandler<T extends Workflow>

Type Parameters:
T - The Workflow specific type which should be provided during the callback
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface QualifiedWorkflowCallbackHandler<T extends Workflow>
WorkflowPersistenceManager callback handler interface which can be used to perform Workflow based post-processing (like publishing) during a WorkflowPersistenceManager update call.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Class<? extends T>
    processWorkflow(T workflow)
    The callback method called by the WorkflowPersistenceManager during an update call, after the update already has been performed and saved.
  • Method Details

    • getWorkflowType

      Class<? extends T> getWorkflowType()
      The expected type of Workflow in the callback call
    • processWorkflow

      void processWorkflow(T workflow) throws Exception
      The callback method called by the WorkflowPersistenceManager during an update call, after the update already has been performed and saved.
      workflow - The Workflow instance retrieved for the update
      Exception - To report back any exception to the WorkflowPersistenceManager invoking process.