Interface ComponentWindowAttributeContributor

public interface ComponentWindowAttributeContributor
Provides functions for contributing key-value pairs to attribute maps
  • Method Details

    • contributePreamble

      void contributePreamble(HstComponentWindow window, HstRequest request, Map<String,String> populatingAttributesMap)
      Uses the given window and request to compute the attributes that should be contributed to the given attribute map.
      window - a hst component window for which to contribute attributes
      request - the current request
      populatingAttributesMap - a map containing attributes as key-value pairs
    • contributeEpilogue

      void contributeEpilogue(HstComponentWindow window, HstRequest request, Map<String,String> populatingAttributesMap)
      Populate an attributes map to be used as a preamble comment for the given component.
      window - a hst component window for which to contribute attributes
      request - the current request
      populatingAttributesMap - a map containing attributes as key-value pairs