Interface HstComponentWindow

public interface HstComponentWindow
HST Component Window. This interface represents a fragment window of a page which is generated by a HstComponent.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      The name of the component window.
      the name of the component window
    • getReferenceName

      String getReferenceName()
      The reference name of the component window.
      the reference name of the component window
    • getReferenceNamespace

      String getReferenceNamespace()
      The reference namespace of the component window.
      the reference namespace of the component window
    • getComponentName

      String getComponentName()
      The HstComponent name. Normally the component name is fully qualified class name.
      the HstComponent name
    • getParametersInfoClassName

      String getParametersInfoClassName()
      if configured, the fully-qualified class name of the interface representing ParametersInfo for a component, and otherwise null.
    • getComponent

      HstComponent getComponent()
      The actual HstComponent instance.
      the actual HstComponent instance
    • getComponentMetadata

      HstComponentMetadata getComponentMetadata()
      The metadata of the actual HstComponent class.
      the metadata of the actual HstComponent class.
    • hasComponentExceptions

      boolean hasComponentExceptions()
      Whether it has component exceptions or not
    • getComponentExceptions

      List<HstComponentException> getComponentExceptions()
      The component exceptions during initialization or runtime.
      the possible component exception list
    • addComponentExcpetion

      void addComponentExcpetion(HstComponentException e)
      Adds a component exceptions during initialization or runtime.
    • clearComponentExceptions

      void clearComponentExceptions()
      Adds a component exceptions during initialization or runtime.
    • getRenderPath

      String getRenderPath()
      The dispatching path path to render this component window.
      the dispatching path to render this component window
    • getNamedRenderer

      String getNamedRenderer()
      the name of the renderer, when using named servlet. Returns null when getRenderPath() does not return null
      See Also:
    • getServeResourcePath

      String getServeResourcePath()
      The dispatching path path to serve resource in this component window.
      the dispatching path to serve resource in this component window
    • getNamedResourceServer

      String getNamedResourceServer()
      the name of the resource server, when using named servlet. Returns null when getServeResourcePath() does not return null
      See Also:
    • getParameter

      String getParameter(String name)
      name - the name of the parameter
      the configured parameter value for this name and null if not existing
      See Also:
    • getLocalParameter

      String getLocalParameter(String paramName)
      paramName - the name of the parameter
      the configured parameter value for this name and null if not existing
      See Also:
    • getParentWindow

      HstComponentWindow getParentWindow()
      The parent component window containing this component window.
      the component window containing this component window, or null when there is no parent window
    • getChildWindowMap

      Map<String,HstComponentWindow> getChildWindowMap()
      The child component windows contained in this component window.
      the component windows contained in this component window
    • getChildWindowNames

      List<String> getChildWindowNames()
      The child component window names contained in this component window.
      the component window names contained in this component window
    • getChildWindow

      HstComponentWindow getChildWindow(String name)
      The child component window which can be accessed by the name.
      name - the name of the child component window
      the child component window which has the referenceName
    • getChildWindowByReferenceName

      HstComponentWindow getChildWindowByReferenceName(String referenceName)
      The child component window which can be accessed by the reference name.
      referenceName - the referenceName of the child component window
      the child component window which has the referenceName
    • bindResponseState

      void bindResponseState(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse parentResponse)
      Creates and binds the HstResponseState to this HstComponentWindow. After this method has been invoked, getResponseState() will return the bound HstResponseState. If bindResponseState(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) gets invoked for a second (or more) time, the method won't change any state and directly return
      request - the HttpServletRequest request
      parentResponse - the HttpServletResponse response of the parent window or in case of the root window the http response of the container
    • getResponseState

      HstResponseState getResponseState()
      Returns the response state of this component window.
    • getComponentInfo

      HstComponentInfo getComponentInfo()
    • getAttribute

      Object getAttribute(String name)
    • setAttribute

      void setAttribute(String name, Object value)
    • removeAttribute

      Object removeAttribute(String name)
    • getAttributeNames

      Enumeration<String> getAttributeNames()
    • getPageErrorHandlerClassName

      String getPageErrorHandlerClassName()
      the fully classified className of the class implementing PageErrorHandler
    • isVisible

      boolean isVisible()
      When this method returns true, the HstComponentWindow is still part of the hierarchy of HstComponentWindows, but the doBeforeRender of the getComponent() and dispatched from the HstResponse will be skipped.
      true when this HstComponentWindow should be visible, false otherwise
    • setVisible

      void setVisible(boolean visible)
      visible - sets whether this HstComponentWindow is visible or not. Setting this HstComponentWindow visibility to false, automatically sets all descendant HstComponentWindows visibility to false as well
    • removeChildWindow

      void removeChildWindow(HstComponentWindow window)
      removes the window from the child windows if exists and otherwise does nothing
      window - the window to remove