Interface HstComponentRegistry

public interface HstComponentRegistry
The HstComponent registry interface
  • Method Details

    • registerComponent

      void registerComponent(HstContainerConfig requestContainerConfig, String componentId, HstComponent component)
      Registers the HstComponent. The key is the pair of container configuration and component ID.
      requestContainerConfig - the container configuration
      componentId - the component ID
      component -
    • unregisterComponent

      void unregisterComponent(HstContainerConfig requestContainerConfig, String componentId)
      Unregister the HstComponent. The key is the pair of container configuration and component ID.
      requestContainerConfig - the container configuration
      componentId - the component ID
    • getComponent

      HstComponent getComponent(HstContainerConfig requestContainerConfig, String componentId)
      Returns the registered HstComponent. The key is the pair of container configuration and component ID.

      If the component is not found, then it will return null.

      requestContainerConfig - the container configuration
      componentId - the component ID
      the HstComponent registered with the key pair.
    • getComponentMetadata

      HstComponentMetadata getComponentMetadata(HstContainerConfig requestContainerConfig, String componentId)
      Returns the metadata of the registered HstComponent. The key is the pair of container configuration and component ID.

      If the component metadata is not found, then it will return null.

      requestContainerConfig - the container configuration
      componentId - the component ID
      the metadata of the HstComponent registered with the key pair.
    • unregisterAllComponents

      void unregisterAllComponents()
      Unregisters all the HstComponents.
    • isAwaitingTermination

      boolean isAwaitingTermination()
      true if this HstComponentRegistry is waiting for termination. Note that the registry functions as normal when this returns true. This method should return true if the backing VirtualHosts model is belongs too is invalidated and is about to be garbage collected