Interface HstComponentWindowFilter

public interface HstComponentWindowFilter

Interface to implement as a developer to add custom HstComponentWindow filtering for some requestContext. You can decorate the window in doFilter(HstRequestContext, HstComponentConfiguration, HstComponentWindow) and return a decorated / enhanced version, or, return null when the window should be completely removed. The root HstComponentWindow is not decorated through this doFilter(HstRequestContext, HstComponentConfiguration, HstComponentWindow) method.

The doFilter(HstRequestContext, HstComponentConfiguration, HstComponentWindow) is called on every non root HstComponentWindow after all HstComponentWindows for the current HstRequestContext have been created by HstComponentWindowFactory.create(HstContainerConfig, HstRequestContext, HstComponentConfiguration, HstComponentFactory, HstComponentWindow)

When you want a window to be invisible (doBeforeRender and render skipped, but still processed as window in an AggregationValve) you typically implement this interface and in doFilter(HstRequestContext, HstComponentConfiguration, HstComponentWindow) return the window after invoking HstComponentWindow.setVisible(boolean) with argument true, thus HstComponentWindow#setVisible(true)