Interface RequestInfoCacheKeyFragmentCreator

public interface RequestInfoCacheKeyFragmentCreator

Responsible for creating the cachekey fragment that will be part of the PageCacheKey. Implementations should invoke PageCacheKey.setAttribute(String, with value create(org.hippoecm.hst.core.request.HstRequestContext).

If you have an application where you know that the requests for example always include some unimportant unique attribute as a request queryString parameter, you can choose to hook in your own RequestInfoCacheKeyFragmentCreator implementation that skips this queryString attribute. For example in general search engine crawlers have unique queryString parameters which are not used by the application, but merely by the crawlers to make sure they fall through caching proxies like mod_cache, squid, varnish or some CND etc in front of the application.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    create(HstRequestContext requestContext)
    Creates a serializable request info object that represents the parts of the request that makes the request unique (and thus ensures unique requests have unique cachekeys)
  • Method Details

    • create

      Serializable create(HstRequestContext requestContext)
      Creates a serializable request info object that represents the parts of the request that makes the request unique (and thus ensures unique requests have unique cachekeys)
    • reset

      void reset()