Interface ValveContext

public interface ValveContext
Context information during invoking valves in a pipeline. This holds the necessary objects to serve a request.
  • Method Details

    • invokeNext

      void invokeNext() throws ContainerException
      Requests invocation of next possible valve.
    • getRequestContainerConfig

      HstContainerConfig getRequestContainerConfig()
      Returns the HstComponent container configuration.
      the HstComponent container configuration.
    • getRequestContext

      HstRequestContext getRequestContext()
      Returns the current request context.
      the current request context.
    • getServletRequest

      jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest getServletRequest()
      Returns the current servlet request.
      the current servlet request.
    • getServletResponse

      jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse getServletResponse()
      Returns the current servlet response.
      the current servlet response.
    • setRootComponentWindow

      void setRootComponentWindow(HstComponentWindow rootComponentWindow)
      Sets the root HstComponentWindow instancethat is used to process the current request.
      rootComponentWindow -
    • getRootComponentWindow

      HstComponentWindow getRootComponentWindow()
      Returns the root HstComponentWindow instance that is used to process the current request. Note that in case of a action/resource/component-rendering request the root component is in general the targeted (for the action/resource/component-rendering) component
      the root HstComponentWindow instance that is used to process the current request.
    • setRootComponentRenderingWindow

      void setRootComponentRenderingWindow(HstComponentWindow rootComponentRenderingWindow)
      Sets the root HstComponentWindow instance to *render* the current request
      rootComponentRenderingWindow -
    • getRootComponentRenderingWindow

      HstComponentWindow getRootComponentRenderingWindow()

      Returns the root HstComponentWindow instance to *render* the current request. By default, this returns the same HstComponentWindow as getRootComponentWindow(), unless it is explicitly set to a different HstComponentWindow. For example in case when you want to render only a single (or subtree) HstComponent of an entire HstComponent hierarchy.

      The rootComponentRenderingWindow must always be a descendant of or the same as getRootComponentWindow()

    • getPageCacheContext

      PageCacheContext getPageCacheContext()
      Returns the PageCacheContext for this valve context. Individual Valves can access this PageCacheContext and append key information to the PageCacheContext.getPageCacheKey() or indicate that the request cannot be cached at all through PageCacheContext.markUncacheable()
      the PageCacheContext for this valve context and never null