Interface LazySession

All Superinterfaces:
HippoSession, Session

public interface LazySession extends HippoSession
LazySession interface.
  • Method Details

    • logoutSession

      void logoutSession() throws RepositoryException
      Invokes logout() of the underlying session.
    • coupledImpersonate

      Session coupledImpersonate(Credentials credentials)

      Returns a Session exactly the same as via Session.impersonate(Credentials), however keeps a reference to the impersonated session in this LazySession such that when invoking logoutCoupledImpersonations() all the sessions created by this method get logged out.

      credentials - the credentials to impersonate from
      new impersonated Session
    • logoutCoupledImpersonations

      void logoutCoupledImpersonations()
      Logs out any impersonated session impersonated via coupledImpersonate(javax.jcr.Credentials) from this LazySession
    • lastRefreshed

      long lastRefreshed()
      Returns the last refreshed time millis.
    • lastLoggedIn

      long lastLoggedIn()
      Returns the last logged in time mills
    • getRefreshPendingAfter

      long getRefreshPendingAfter()
      Returns the pending time millis after when the session should be refreshed.