Interface LocationMapTreeItem

public interface LocationMapTreeItem
Expert: A LocationMapTreeItem is an item in the tree of the containing LocationMapTree. It contains references to the HstSiteMapItem's that belong to this LocationMapTreeItem. A HstSiteMapItem must not belong to multiple LocationMapTreeItem's.
  • Method Details

    • getHstSiteMapItems

      List<HstSiteMapItem> getHstSiteMapItems()
      List of HstSiteMapItem's belonging to this LocationMapTreeItem. When no HstSiteMapItem belong to this item, an empty list is returned
    • getChild

      LocationMapTreeItem getChild(String name)
      name - the name of the child LocationMapTreeItem
      The child LocationMapTreeItem with this name or null if there exists no child with this name
    • getParentItem

      LocationMapTreeItem getParentItem()
      the parent LocationMapTreeItem of this item or null when it is a root LocationMapTreeItem