Interface CommonMenuItem

All Known Subinterfaces:
EditableMenuItem, HstSiteMenuItem

public interface CommonMenuItem
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      the name of this SiteMenuItem
    • getHstLink

      HstLink getHstLink()
      a HstLink that contains a link for this SiteMenuItem
    • getExternalLink

      String getExternalLink()
      When this method does not return null, then by default getHstLink() will return null even if the sitemenu item has a sitemap reference path defined
      an external (http/https etc) link or null if no external link is defined
    • resolveToSiteMapItem

      ResolvedSiteMapItem resolveToSiteMapItem()
      the ResolvedSiteMapItem belonging to this SiteMenuItem or null if it cannot be resolved in the HstSiteMap
    • isExpanded

      boolean isExpanded()
      A sitemenu item is expanded if one of its descendants is selected or if it is selected itself
      true if the SiteMenuItem is expanded
    • getProperties

      Map<String,Object> getProperties()
      When developers have customized SiteMenuItem configuration with extra properties, these properties can be accessed through this Map
      a Map containing the value for every property in the backing content provider for this SiteMenuItem
    • isRepositoryBased

      boolean isRepositoryBased()
      true when below this sitemenu item repository based navigation is expected
    • getDepth

      int getDepth()
      the depth of repository based items in case of repository based navigation
    • isSelected

      boolean isSelected()
      true is the SiteMenuItem is selected