All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class for ConfigurableDaemonModules that wish to reconfigure when their module configuration changes in the repository.
Base interface for Role and UserRole
Simple (abstract) POJO bean implementation of AbstractRole
Use this annotation on implementations of DaemonModules to force the system to start and execute the module after other modules named by the annotation.
A model object interface for a hipposys:authrole node which is Comparable on its node path
Simple POJO bean implementation of AuthRole
Base NodeUpdateVisitor class adding support for logging.
Contains nodes of document variants from either nodes under handle or from version history based on the branchId and the document handle.
The ChangePasswordManager allows a {link HippoSession} user to change its password
DaemonModule that needs module configuration.
Strategy interface for loading resources (e.g, file system resources, zip entry resources or URI based resources).
A DaemonModule represents a repository-managed component.
Specifies the time granularity.
CopyHandler that adds the first node as a child.
A Plain Old Java Object (POJO) representing a document in a JCR repository.
Service to retrieve translations based on translation ids by which documents and folders are linked.
DocumentUtils provides utility methods for dealing with JCR nodes that represent documents.
A model object interface for a hipposys:domain node and (only) its hipposys:authrole children, Comparable on its DomainAuth.getPath()
DomainInfoPrivilege is a simple wrapper class for a Privilege supporting extra information.
Provides administrative (crud) domain management; currently limited to only AuthRoles of an existing domain.
ContentResourceLoader implementation for loading resources from a directory.
Represents a group of Users in the repository.
This interface is not yet part of the public API of the Hippo Repository.
Any Node instance returned by any method of a Hippo Repostitory may be cast to the HippoNode interface to expose additional functionality.
Extends a #javax.jcr.NodeIterator interface, with an additional method.
This interface defines the node types and item names that are in use by the Hippo repository build on top of JCR.
The HippoQuery is an extension to javax.jcr.query.Query to implement parameterized queries.
Instances of this class represent a connection to the Repository.
An extension of a plain Session based session.
Any instance of a Workspace returned by a HippoRepository may be cast to a HippoWorkspace to expose some additional services from the Hippo repository.
This call is not (yet) part of the API, but under evaluation.
Encapsulates different aspects of the result of importing an enhanced system view xml document.
This interface is not part of the API, and should never be implemented by classes other than in the core repository implementation.
Some utility methods for writing code against JCR API.
A service for obtaining ResourceBundles from the repository.
An MappingException is thrown for workflow or document mapping when when a required data or configuration is not present or a representation in data could not be made.
Helper class for encoding and decoding node names
The node updater service runs registered & not-yet-completed updater visitors.
Visitor for updating repository content.
Provided as an execution context to NodeUpdateVisitor instance in order to allow an NodeUpdateVisitor to be able to manually update skipped/updated/failed node count while being executed on single node iteration (e.g, in #doUpdate(node) method in a groovy updater script).
CopyHandler that overwrites the first started node.
Developers can implement this interface to asynchronously receive HippoEvents after they occurred in the repository, across a repository cluster.
PersistedHippoEventListenerRegistry is singleton registry for decoupled/wiring lookup/wiring of PersistedHippoEventListeners using the Whiteboard Pattern.
Use this annotation on implementations of DaemonModules to inform the system about which services it registers with the HippoServiceRegistry.
Interface to implement to perform the work to be scheduled.
Repository job trigger that operates on a cron expression.
Context object containing operational information and helper objects for use by RepositoryJobs to do their job.
Captures information about a repository job.
Repository job trigger that allows to schedule a repository job either once at a given date, or repeatedly from a given date onwards.
Base class for information about when to schedule a job with the repository.
Map representation of a JCR Node.
Repository service for scheduling jobs.
HippoSession bound manager for accessing, and optionally managing, repository based security configuration.
Use this annotation on implementations of DaemonModules to inform the system about which services it uses from the HippoServiceRegistry and which are provided by other DaemonModules.
A ResourceBundle is a set of Strings identified by keys A ResourceBundle is associated with a Locale making the Strings specific for that Locale.
A JCR Event with the revision id of the corresponding ClusterRecord exposed by the RevisionEvent.getRevision() method.
An extension of EventJournal which also allows skipping based on Event revision.
A data access role possibly holding and representing a set of fine-grained privilege names
Simple POJO bean implementation of Role
Provides administrative (crud) roles management.
Provider for roles
A service for obtaining security related information from the repository.
SessionUser wrapping another SessionUser for SessionDelegation, having a "," concatenated User.getId() and a merged User.getMemberships().
A SessionUser provides the resolved User Role names for a logged in user.
Strategy interface for encoding and decoding strings.
The StringCodecFactory allows you access to symbolic named StringCodec's.
Usage of this class discouraged.
Usage of this class discouraged.
Helper class for encoding and decoding node names
The UriEncoding class is responsible for creating human-readable URI from a String, by either removing characters or by mapping them to characters that need not be percent-encoded.
Provides StringCodec instances for certain encodings, possibly customized for a certain locale.
A marker interface for synchronous event listener.
Represents a user in the repository.
A named functional role to be held or performed by a User or Group of users.
Simple POJO bean implementation of UserRole
Provides administrative (crud) userroles management.
Provider for userroles
DO NOT USE THIS CLASS! This class is NOT part of the API.
A workflow is a set of procedures that can be performed on a document in the repository.
Annotation for workflow interface operations.
A workflow context class is made available to a workflow implementation (see WorkflowImpl@getWorkflowContext) to obtain additional information during the execution of a workflow step.
An WorkflowException is thrown when a workflow implementation disallows the workflow step to be taken for some reason.
Implementors of a work-flow in the repository must extend from the WorkflowImpl base type.
The work-flow manager is a service associated with a JCR session which provides access to a work-flow associated with a document stored in the repository.
A unit task as part of a workflow action processing.
ContentResourceLoader implementation for loading resources from a zip file.