Interface IPluginConfig

All Superinterfaces:, IObservable, org.apache.wicket.util.value.IValueMap, Map<String,Object>, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractClusterDecorator, AbstractPluginDecorator, ClusterConfigDecorator, InheritingPluginConfig, JavaClusterConfig, JavaPluginConfig, JcrClusterConfig, JcrPluginConfig, NodePickerPluginConfig

public interface IPluginConfig extends org.apache.wicket.util.value.IValueMap, IObservable, Serializable
The plugin configuration. It is a map with some helper methods inherited from the Wicket IValueMap. Although the configuration is specific to the class that uses it, it is recommended to use standard keys for service names. (e.g. the service name under which an IRenderService should be registered is

It is observable, and will broadcast PluginConfigEvents for changes that occur at any depth in the reachable config hierarchy.

There are two implementations provided, JcrPluginConfig and JavaPluginConfig.

  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      The name of the configuration. When the configuration is passed to a plugin, this name is unique within the system. It can therefore be used to construct unique service names.
    • getPluginConfig

      IPluginConfig getPluginConfig(Object key)
      Retrieve a child config of a particular name. In the JCR implementation, this corresponds to a child node of type frontend:pluginconfig.
    • getPluginConfigSet

      Set<IPluginConfig> getPluginConfigSet()
      Retrieve a set of child plugin configurations.