Interface HeadElement

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, Serializable

public interface HeadElement extends Serializable, Cloneable
HeadElement interface wrapping a head contribution element
  • Method Details

    • getTagName

      String getTagName()
      Return the tag name of the head contribution element
    • hasAttribute

      boolean hasAttribute(String name)
      Checks if the head contribution element has the attribute specified by the attribute name
      name -
    • getAttribute

      String getAttribute(String name)
      Returns the attribute value of the head contribution element specified by the attribute name. Returns null if there's no attribute specified by the attribute name.
      name -
    • getAttributeMap

      Map<String,String> getAttributeMap()
      Returns unmodifiable attribute map of the head contribution element. Returns an empty unmodifiable attribute map if there's no attribute.
    • setAttribute

      void setAttribute(String name, String value)
      Sets attribute on the head contribution element. Returns null if there's no attribute in the head contribution element.
      name -
      value -
    • removeAttribute

      String removeAttribute(String name)
      Removes the attribute from the head contribution element specified by the attribute name. Returns the attribute value if the attribute exists, or returns null if the attribute doesn't exist.
      name -
    • getTextContent

      String getTextContent()
      Returns the text content of the head contribution element.
    • setTextContent

      void setTextContent(String textContent)
      Sets the text content of the head contribution element.
      textContent -
    • hasChildHeadElements

      boolean hasChildHeadElements()
      Checks if the head contribution element contains child head elements.
    • getChildHeadElements

      Collection<HeadElement> getChildHeadElements()
      Returns the collection of the child head elements. Returns an empty collection if there's no child head elements.
    • clone

      See Also: