Package org.hippoecm.hst.core.component

package org.hippoecm.hst.core.component
The org.hippoecm.hst.core.component package defines the API for the HST Core Component
  • Class
    The GenericHstComponent class provides a default implementation for the HstComponent interface.
    HeadElement interface wrapping a head contribution element
    A HstComponent can be invoked by a HstComponent container during three different request lifecycle phases: ACTION, RESOURCE and RENDER.
    The HstComponentException class defines a general exception that a HstComponent can throw when it is unable to perform its operation successfully.
    The HstComponentFatalException can be thrown to break out of the HST2 request handling.
    Interface that defines abstract metadata of a specific HstComponent class
    HstParameterInfoProxyFactory is a factory interface for creating a proxy for an interface that is referred to by a ParametersInfo annotation.
    Implementations of this interface are a utility class for converting String values to some object of type Class<?>
    The HstRequest defines the interface to provide client request information to a HstComponent.
    The HstResponse defines the interface to assist a HstComponent in creating and sending a response to the client.
    Temporarily holds the current state of a HST response.
    The HstURL interface represents a URL that reference the HstComponent itself.
    HstURL Factory interface.
    WrapperElement interface to wrap markup contents