Interface HstURLFactory

public interface HstURLFactory
HstURL Factory interface. It is mainly responsible to generate HstURL.
  • Method Details

    • getContainerURLProvider

      HstContainerURLProvider getContainerURLProvider()
      Returns the HstContainerURLProvider.
    • createURL

      HstURL createURL(String type, String referenceNamespace, HstContainerURL base, HstRequestContext requestContext)
      Returns HstURL for the HstURL type with reference namespace based on the base container URL
      type - the HstURL type. It should one of HstURL.ACTION_TYPE, HstURL.RENDER_TYPE or HstURL.RESOURCE_TYPE.
      referenceNamespace - the reference namespace of the HstComponent's window.
      base - the base HstContainer URL
      requestContext - the current HstRequestContext
    • createURL

      HstURL createURL(String type, String referenceNamespace, HstContainerURL base, HstRequestContext requestContext, String contextPath)
      Returns HstURL for the HstURL type with reference namespace based on the base container URL and an explicit contextPath, for example needed when the Mount to create a link for has a different contextpath than the ResolvedMount belonging to the HstRequestContext
      type - the HstURL type. It should one of HstURL.ACTION_TYPE, HstURL.RENDER_TYPE or HstURL.RESOURCE_TYPE.
      referenceNamespace - the reference namespace of the HstComponent's window.
      base - the base HstContainer URL
      requestContext - the current HstRequestContext
      contextPath - the context path for the URL to create. If it is null the contextPath from the ResolvedMount will be used. If is is EMPTY string, the contextPath will be set to empty ""
    • isReferenceNamespaceIgnored

      boolean isReferenceNamespaceIgnored()
      Returns the flag if parameter namespacing is ignored or not. It returns false by default.