Interface ResolvedMount

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ResolvedMount
Implementations of this interface are a request flyweight instance of the Mount object, where possible wildcard property placeholders have been filled in, similar to the ResolvedSiteMapItem and HstSiteMapItem
  • Method Details

    • getPortNumber

      int getPortNumber()
      the port number of the host that was used during matching to this ResolvedMount
    • getMount

      Mount getMount()
      the backing request independent Mount item for this ResolvedMount instance
    • getNamedPipeline

      String getNamedPipeline()
      the named pipeline to be used for this Mount or null when the default pipeline is to be used
    • getResolvedMountPath

      String getResolvedMountPath()
      Returns the mountPath from the backing Mount where possible wildcard values might have been replaced. A root Mount returns an empty String (""). When the mountPath is non-empty, it always starts with a "/".
      the resolved mountPath for this ResolvedMount
      See Also:
    • getMatchingIgnoredPrefix

      String getMatchingIgnoredPrefix()
      Expert: In most circumstance, this getMatchingIgnoredPrefix() will return null. Only when there was a pathInfo prefix after the HttpServletRequest.getContextPath() that should be ignored during matching the request to a ResolvedMount, this method returns the ignored prefix. The returned String must have leading and trailing slashes all removed.
      the prefix that was ignore during matching and null if there wasn't a ignored prefix
    • matchSiteMapItem

      ResolvedSiteMapItem matchSiteMapItem(String siteMapPathInfo) throws MatchException
      matches a pathInfo to a ResolvedSiteMapItem item or throws a MatchException or NotFoundException when cannot resolve to a sitemap item
      siteMapPathInfo -
      the ResolvedSiteMapItem for the current hstContainerURL
    • isAuthenticated

      boolean isAuthenticated()
      If this method returns true, then only if the user is explicitly allowed or servletRequest.isUserInRole(role) returns true this Mount is accessible for the request. If a Mount does not have a configuration for authenticated, the value from the parent item is taken.
      true if the Mount is authenticated.
    • getRoles

      Set<String> getRoles()
      Returns the roles that are allowed to access this Mount when isAuthenticated() is true. If the Mount does not have any roles defined by itself, it inherits them from the parent. If it defines roles, the roles from any ancestor are ignored. An empty set of roles in combination with isAuthenticated() return true means nobody has access to the item
      The set of roles that are allowed to access this Mount. When no roles defined, the roles from the parent item are inherited. If none of the parent items have a role defined, an empty set is returned
    • getUsers

      Set<String> getUsers()
      Returns the users that are allowed to access this Mount when isAuthenticated() is true. If the Mount does not have any users defined by itself, it inherits them from the parent. If it defines users, the users from any ancestor are ignored. An empty set of users in combination with isAuthenticated() return true means nobody has access to the item
      The set of users that are allowed to access this Mount. When no users defined, the users from the parent item are inherited. If none of the parent items have a user defined, an empty set is returned
    • isSubjectBasedSession

      boolean isSubjectBasedSession()
      Returns true if subject based jcr session should be used for this Mount
      true if subject based jcr session should be used for this Mount
    • isSessionStateful

      boolean isSessionStateful()
      Returns true if subject based jcr session should be statefully managed.
      true if subject based jcr session should be statefully managed.
    • getFormLoginPage

      String getFormLoginPage()
      Returns FORM Login Page
      true if the Mount is authenticated.