Interface HstSiteMapMatcher

public interface HstSiteMapMatcher
Implementations should be able to match a path (pathInfo) in combination with a HstSite object to a ResolvedSiteMapItem. Typically a ResolvedSiteMapItem is a request context based instance of a HstSiteMapItem, where possibly property placeholders in HstSiteMapItem.getParameters() are replaced by their request context sensitive values. For example, a ${1} parameter value might be replaced by the value that matched to the first HstSiteMapItem containing a wildcard.

Note: the ResolvedSiteMapItem is accessible by every HstComponent instance through the HstRequestContext

When no HstSiteMapItem can be found to match the pathInfo, the implementation can return null for the match(String, ResolvedMount) , but is also allowed to return some catch all ResolvedSiteMapItem

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    method that can be called if some event is triggered.
    match(String pathInfo, ResolvedMount resolvedMount)
    method to match the pathInfo for the hstSite to a HstSiteMapItem if possible.
  • Method Details

    • match

      ResolvedSiteMapItem match(String pathInfo, ResolvedMount resolvedMount) throws NotFoundException
      method to match the pathInfo for the hstSite to a HstSiteMapItem if possible.
      pathInfo - the pathInfo that should be matched in the HstSiteMapItem tree
      resolvedMount - the current ResolvedMount that must matches the request serverName and pathInfo
      a ResolvedSiteMapItem
      NotFoundException - when the pathInfo can not be matched to a HstSiteMapItem
    • invalidate

      void invalidate()
      method that can be called if some event is triggered. For example if the HstSiteMapMatcher implementing class holds a cache that needs to be flushed after a change in the HstSiteMap configuration