Interface HstMutableRequestContext

All Superinterfaces:
HstRequestContext, ModelContributable

public interface HstMutableRequestContext extends HstRequestContext
This is an INTERNAL USAGE ONLY API. Clients should not cast to these interfaces as they should never be used from client code
  • Method Details

    • setServletContext

      void setServletContext(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext servletContext)
    • setServletRequest

      void setServletRequest(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest servletRequest)
    • setServletResponse

      void setServletResponse(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse servletResponse)
    • setSession

      void setSession(Session session)
    • setResolvedMount

      void setResolvedMount(ResolvedMount resolvedMount)
    • setResolvedSiteMapItem

      void setResolvedSiteMapItem(ResolvedSiteMapItem resolvedSiteMapItem)
    • setBaseURL

      void setBaseURL(HstContainerURL baseURL)
    • setURLFactory

      void setURLFactory(HstURLFactory urlFactory)
    • setSiteMapMatcher

      void setSiteMapMatcher(HstSiteMapMatcher siteMapMatcher)
    • setLinkCreator

      void setLinkCreator(HstLinkCreator linkCreator)
    • setParameterInfoProxyFactory

      void setParameterInfoProxyFactory(HstParameterInfoProxyFactory parameterInfoProxyFactory)
    • setHstSiteMenus

      void setHstSiteMenus(HstSiteMenus siteMenus)
    • setHstQueryManagerFactory

      void setHstQueryManagerFactory(HstQueryManagerFactory hstQueryManagerFactory)
    • setContainerConfiguration

      void setContainerConfiguration(ContainerConfiguration containerConfiguration)
    • setSubject

      void setSubject(Subject subject)
    • setPreferredLocale

      void setPreferredLocale(Locale locale)
      Sets the preferred locale associated with this request.
      locale - The preferred locale associated with this request.
    • setLocales

      void setLocales(List<Locale> locales)
      Sets the locales assocaited with this request.
      locales -
    • setPathSuffix

      void setPathSuffix(String pathSuffix)
      Sets the path suffix
      pathSuffix -
    • setComponentFilterTags

      void setComponentFilterTags(Set<String> conditions)
      set the conditions that will trigger a component to be added to the component window hierarchy.
      conditions - the Set of String conditions
    • setComponentWindowFilters

      void setComponentWindowFilters(List<HstComponentWindowFilter> filters)
      filters - the HstComponentWindowFilters to be set for the HstRequestContext.getComponentWindowFilters()
    • setFullyQualifiedURLs

      void setFullyQualifiedURLs(boolean fullyQualifiedURLs)
      fullyQualifiedURLs - sets whether created URLs will be fully qualified
    • setRenderHost

      void setRenderHost(String renderHost)
      Sets a specific render host. This can be used to render the request as if host renderHost was the actual used host in the request.
      renderHost - the host to be used for rendering
    • setChannelManagerPreviewRequest

      void setChannelManagerPreviewRequest()
      Marks the request to be a channelMngrPreviewRequest
      See Also:
    • setCmsRequest

      @Deprecated void setCmsRequest(boolean cmsRequest)
      since 13.2.0, use setChannelManagerPreviewRequest() instead Marks the request to be a channelMngrRestRequest
      See Also:
    • setChannelManagerRestRequest

      void setChannelManagerRestRequest()
      Marks the request to be a channelMngrRestRequest
      See Also:
    • setHstRequestType

      void setHstRequestType(HstRequestContext.HstRequestType hstRequestType)
    • setContentBeansTool

      void setContentBeansTool(ContentBeansTool contentBeansTool)
      Sets ContentBeansTool instance for this request context
      contentBeansTool -
    • setCachingObjectConverter

      void setCachingObjectConverter(boolean enabled)
    • clearObjectAndQueryManagers

      void clearObjectAndQueryManagers()
    • dispose

      void dispose()
      Dispose all the internal objects maintained for the current request processing state. After disposed, this request context will be in an illegal state to use.
    • matchingFinished

      void matchingFinished()
      Marks the HstRequestContext that its matching phase has been finished
    • setHstSiteMenusManager

      void setHstSiteMenusManager(HstSiteMenusManager siteMenusManager)
    • setContentTypes

      void setContentTypes(ContentTypes contentTypes)
      Store current version ContentTypes in current HstRequestContext
      contentTypes -
    • setPageModelApiRequest

      void setPageModelApiRequest(boolean pageModelApiRequest)
    • setRenderingHistory

      void setRenderingHistory(boolean renderingHistory)