All Classes and Interfaces

BaseChannelEvent which will be put on the internal ChannelEventBus for synchronous events dispatching where listeners to this event can inject logic or short-circuit processing by setting a RuntimeException through RuntimeExceptionEvent#setException(java.lang.RuntimeException).
Channel event occuring before a channel is deleted.
A Blueprint is provided by the developers to create and manage channels by the ChannelManager, and is defined by the node type hst:blueprint.
Provides methods for server-side manipulation of the selected branch
Interface for cached element.
Channel event type.
Singleton registry for decoupled/wring lookup/wiring of listeners that handle using the Whiteboard Pattern.
Thrown when a channel-related error occured.
Type of a channel exception.
Base type for channel info interfaces.
Management interface for Channels.
This event type is used by the ChannelManagerEventListener in order to identify the channel and its related information.
Allows implementers to register callback methods that will be executed when a ChannelManager event occurs.
Exception that you can throw in a ChannelManagerEventListener implementation : When you wants to short circuit the processing of the Channel creation / update entirely, you have to use ChannelManagerEventListenerException.Status.STOP_CHANNEL_PROCESSING
Singleton registry for decoupled/wring lookup/wiring of listeners to the ChannelManagerEvents using the Whiteboard Pattern.
A ComponentConfiguration provides some configuration information to a component.
In case an Experiment Page Document is locked, this contributor can be added by downstream projects to provide a lock reason, for example that the Experience Page is under review
ComponentManager interface.
Interface which a component bean should implement if it wants to have access the component manager containing itself.
Published by the component which is responsible for loading ComponentManager just before trying to replace the old component manager by the new component manager.
Context for during processing of a HST component tree, where in the doBeforeRender of each component the current is set.
The ComponentsException class defines a exception while finding component(s) from the component manager.
Provides functions for contributing key-value pairs to attribute maps
When a request is in HstRequestContext.isChannelManagerPreviewRequest() mode, extra info, for example html comments or response headers, can be rendered per component window.
CompositeHstLinkCreator interface for creating HstLink's
Provides methods to get information about the locked state of a hst configuration item.
Container Configuration Retrieve basic data types from the container configuration(s).
HstComponent container constants
The ContainerException class defines a general exception that an internal container component can throw when it is unable to perform its operation successfully.
The ContainerNotFoundException class defines a not found exception that an internal container component can throw when it is unable to perform its operation successfully because it cannot find any serviceable content item.
The ContainerSecurityException class defines a security exception for unauthorized site resource access.
The ContainerSecurityNotAuthenticatedException class defines a security exception for unauthorized site resource access from a non-authenticated user.
The ContainerSecurityNotAuthorizedException class defines a security exception for unauthorized site resource access from an authenticated user.
The marker interface for all beans that can be indexed (thus also compounds): This includes beans that are completely independent of jcr, The beans implementing this ContentBean don't need a IdentifiableContentBean.getIdentifier() identifier.
ContentNodeBinder is the interface for custom mapping content POJO object to JCR node.
The ContentNodeBindingException class defines a binding exception that a ContentNodeBinder can throw when it is unable to perform its operation successfully.
ContentRewriter to rewrite document content such as links.
HstRequestContextCredentialsProvider provides credentials based on the provided HstRequestContext.
internal only api for being able to decorate a Mount to a preview Mount
If ObjectConverter needs to be proxied by another ObjectConverter this interface might be used for that purpose
Provides parameters values and parameters metadata
Field Group representation
sinec 13.3.0 : no replacement, will be dropped in 14.0.0
Holds EventListener and its configuration information.
The container interface for EventListenerItem instances.
FilterChainAwareHstSiteMapItemHandler extends HstSiteMapItemHandler interface.
The GenericEventListener class provides a default implementation for the EventListener interface.
The GenericHstComponent class provides a default implementation for the HstComponent interface.
Interface for abstraction that allows to contribute head elements to the page.
HeadElement interface wrapping a head contribution element
This is a base interface for possible beans containing an asset.
A No-operation instance of a HippoAvailableTranslationsBean
A lazy proxied iterator, that only fetches the next bean when asked for it.
A marker interface for all beans that extend from the abstract hippo:compound type
This is a marker interface for all beans that represent a document.
Used to mark source code that has been generated by Essentials' BeanWriter tool.
Interface for all child nodes primarily meant for the virtual structure below 'hippo:facetnavigation'
Interface for all nodes of type 'hippo:facetnavigation'
This is a base interface for all beans that represent a folder should implement.
The interface which all hippo gallery image implementations should implement
The interface the default hippo gallery set impls must implement.
Implementing classes represent a html node in the ecm repository.
The base interface for all bean implementing a hippo request
This is a base interface for all beans that represent a hippo resource should implement.
Interface for beans of hippotranslation:translated.
Hippo Translation Content Bean service.
A marker interface for beans that are a result of a jcr node that is only virtual and has no physical equivalence: in other words, the canonical node is null
HST Cache Interface for cache related activities.
A HstComponent can be invoked by a HstComponent container during three different request lifecycle phases: ACTION, RESOURCE and RENDER.
A HstComponentConfiguration specifies a (Java) componentClassName implementing the HstComponent interface to provide the actual behavior for content rendering and (inter)action processing.
A HstComponentConfiguration comes in three different main types.
The HstComponentException class defines a general exception that a HstComponent can throw when it is unable to perform its operation successfully.
The factory interface which is responsible for creating HstComponent instances.
The HstComponentFatalException can be thrown to break out of the HST2 request handling.
HstComponent invoker component.
Interface that defines abstract metadata of a specific HstComponent class
The HstComponent registry interface
A HstComponentConfigurations contains a map of (root) HstComponentConfiguration objects which themselves might contain additional HstComponentConfiguration children and so on.
HST Component Window.
The factory interface which is responsible for creating HstComponentWindow instances.
Interface to implement as a developer to add custom HstComponentWindow filtering for some requestContext.
Classes that implement this interface can be used to augment the loaded configuration.
The HstComponent container configuration.
The HstComponent container URL.
The URL provider for the HstContainerURL.
HstLink is the object representing a link.
HstLinkCreator interface for creating HstLink's
After linkcreation by HstLinkCreator all HstLinkProcessor's postProcess are called, and before a path is matched in HstSiteMapMatcher all HstLinkProcessor's preProcess are called.
HstParameterInfoProxyFactory is a factory interface for creating a proxy for an interface that is referred to by a ParametersInfo annotation.
Implementations of this interface are a utility class for converting String values to some object of type Class<?>
Definition of a Channel Property.
The result of the execution of the HstQuery.
The HstRequest defines the interface to provide client request information to a HstComponent.
HstRequestContext provides repository content context and page/components configuration context.
Factory component to create HstRequestContext object.
Request processor.
The HstResponse defines the interface to assist a HstComponent in creating and sending a response to the client.
Temporarily holds the current state of a HST response.
The HstSite object is the object representing a site.
A HstSiteMap contains a list of (root) HstSiteMapItem objects which themselves might contain additional HstSiteMapItem children and so on.
A HstSiteMapItem is used as a representation of a logical path (element) for matching (part of a) external URL to a repository content location.
A HstSiteMapItemHandler can be invoked by HstFilter when the resolved sitemap item is configured with custom sitemap item handler IDs in the HST configurations.
The HstSiteMapItemHandlerException class defines a general exception that a HstSiteMapItemHandler can throw when it is unable to perform its operation successfully.
Implementations should be able to match a path (pathInfo) in combination with a HstSite object to a ResolvedSiteMapItem.
The interface for a SiteMenu implementation, containing possibly a tree of HstSiteMenuItem's
The HstSiteMenuItem's is a tree of HstSiteMenuItem.
Implementation of this interface is the container of all the HstSiteMenus that are needed to build site menus.
Implementations should return an unmodifiable map for HstSiteMenusConfiguration.getSiteMenuConfigurations() because clients should not be able to modify the configuration
Implementations will be responsible for the creation of context sensitive sitemenu's.
The HstURL interface represents a URL that reference the HstComponent itself.
HstURL Factory interface.
Value type of an HstPropertyDefinition.
Published by a HttpSessionListener when an HttpSession is created by the container
Published by a HttpSessionListener when an HttpSession is destroyed by the container
The base interface for all identifiable beans: This includes beans that can be completely independent of jcr, for example a bean that represents some external src.
Annotation that can be used on a public getter method to indicate that its return value or object should be indexed.
Marks a class as an interceptor for certain cms types to use in Dynamic Bean generation.
Internal only api to represent HstSiteMap by joining with CanonicalInfo in sitemap presentation
Internal only api to represent HstSiteMapItem by joining with CanonicalInfo in sitemapitem matcher
JAXRSService interface to be wired in the JAXRSServiceValve
Interface to define the contract between service provider and jcr session pool.
Defines a simple key value pair.
LazySession interface.
Expert: The LocationMapTree is the container for a tree of LocationMapTreeItem's that are used for internal linkrewriting.
Expert: A LocationMapTreeItem is an item in the tree of the containing LocationMapTree.
Exception which can be thrown when matching fails
Interface for an abstraction to be able to contribute metadata.
Decorator interface to allow custom decorators to add more metadata.
Interface for abstraction that allows to contribute, retrieve and remove model objects.
The ModuleNotFoundException class defines a exception for not found addon module
A Mount object is the mount from a prefix to some (sub)site *or* content location: when the Mount.isMapped() property returns true or missing, the Mount is linked to a HstSite that uses a HstSiteMap.
Interface extending Repository to allow transparent access to internal multiple repositories based on credentials given by the caller.
Interface to be implemented by beans (such as session) that wish to be aware of its owning multiple repository.
Mount extension that decouples channel info retrieval from the mount service construction.
The NoAvailableSessionException class defines the exception that a JCR session pooling repository can throw when it is unable to return an available session since its pooled session are already exhausted and it cannot create new session.
Allows for the annotation of a Java class so mapping through simple java interface or delegatee class to a JCR node.
Interface to be implemented by beans that wish to be aware of its originating JCR node.
When a request fails to match for example a HstSiteMapItem because the request path can match the sitemap tree, this exception should be thrown.
The object content manager encapsulates a JCR session.
The ObjectBeanManagerException class defines a general exception that an object content manager can throw when it is unable to perform its operation successfully.
The ObjectBeanPersistenceException class defines a general exception that a ObjectBeanPersistenceManager can throw when it is unable to perform its operation successfully.
ObjectBeanPersistenceManager is the primary interface for HST-2-Persistence-aware application components.
Convert any kind of beans into JCR nodes & properties.
Interface to be implemented by beans that wish to be aware of the object converter.
Orderable valve interface.
Page class is used in Pagination to represent the pages.
Super interface for all page actions that require a context.
A PageCacheKey represents a key that can be used to qualify/categorize some request.
Page copying context data used in PageCopyEvent.
PageCopyEvent which will be put on the internal Guava event bus for synchronous events dispatching where listeners to this event can inject logic or short-circuit processing by setting a RuntimeException through PageCopyEvent#setException(java.lang.RuntimeException).
Page create context data used in PageCreateEvent
PageCreateEvent which will be put on the internal Guava event bus for synchronous events dispatching where listeners to this event can inject logic or short-circuit processing by setting a RuntimeException through PageCreateEvent#setException(java.lang.RuntimeException).
Page delete context data used in PageDeleteEvent.
PageDeleteEvent which will be put on the internal Guava event bus for synchronous events dispatching where listeners to this event can inject logic or short-circuit processing by setting a RuntimeException through PageDeleteEvent#setException(java.lang.RuntimeException).
Processing status of page error handler.
PageEvent which will be put on the internal Guava event bus for synchronous events dispatching where listeners to this event can inject logic or short-circuit processing by setting a RuntimeException through PageEvent#setException(java.lang.RuntimeException).
marker interface for objects that need to be flattened in the Page Model API
Annotation similar to jackson-annotations @JsonIgnore to suppress a property being serialized in the Page Mode API
Annotation similar to jackson-annotations @JsonIgnoreType to suppress an object being serialized in the Page Mode API
Annotation similar to jackson-annotations @JsonProperty specify the name of the property in the Page Model API
Page moving context data used in PageMoveEvent.
PageMoveEvent which will be put on the internal Guava event bus for synchronous events dispatching where listeners to this event can inject logic or short-circuit processing by setting a RuntimeException through PageMoveEvent#setException(java.lang.RuntimeException).
Page updating context data used in PageUpdateEvent
PageUpdateEvent which will be put on the internal Guava event bus for synchronous events dispatching where listeners to this event can inject logic or short-circuit processing by setting a RuntimeException through PageUpdateEvent#setException(java.lang.RuntimeException).
Base class for Pagination implementations.
Provides a resolved ParametersInfo object for HstComponents or JAX-RS service components.
Supported value types of dynamic component parameters are text integer decimal boolean datetime These value types should be matched with the types in org.hippoecm.hst.pagecomposer.jaxrs.model.ParameterType
Indicates that an annotated operation is to persist contents into repository.
Pipeline interface.
The Pipeline container interface.
Internal marker interface for tracking whether the platform HST is available
PooledSession interface.
PooledSessionRefresher This interface is responsible for refreshing the states of the pooled session.
Interface extending Repository to allow transparent access to internal session pooling implementation.
Interface to be implemented by beans (such as session) that wish to be aware of its owning pooling repository.
WorkflowPersistenceManager callback handler interface which can be used to perform Workflow based post-processing (like publishing) during a WorkflowPersistenceManager update call.
RequestContextProvider provides an easy access method to the request context object in the current thread's active request.
Responsible for creating the cachekey fragment that will be part of the PageCacheKey.
Implementations of this interface are a request flyweight instance of the Mount object, where possible wildcard property placeholders have been filled in, similar to the ResolvedSiteMapItem and HstSiteMapItem
An instance of the implementation of this interface will be available on the HstRequestContext.
Implementations of this interface are a request flyweight instance of the VirtualHost object, where possible wildcard property placeholders have been filled in, similar to the ResolvedMount and Mount
Implementations that know how to rewrite a link for a nodetype containing resources, like hippogallery:exampleImageSet or hippogallery:exampleAssetSet
Resource management interface.
Expert feature : Note that if you implement a custom RewriteContextResolver, that you make sure that RewriteContextResolver.resolve(Node, Mount, HstRequestContext, boolean, boolean) is very fast! Namely, RewriteContextResolver.resolve(Node, Mount, HstRequestContext, boolean, boolean) will be invoked for every link creation of a Node or HippoBean
Synchronous event abstraction to allow a listener to be able to set a runtime exception.
The unchecked equivalent of the checked RepositoryException : This class can be used to delegate a RepositoryException that cannot be handled into a RuntimeException
Session decorator interface.
Component that has facility methods for creating NON POOLED session (security delegates) that are optionally logged out automatically at the end of the hst request processing
SimpleObjectConverter which is responsible for basic Object-JCR Node mapping.
Interface to be implemented by beans that wish to be aware of the object converter.
A SiteMapItemHandlerConfiguration is the runtime instance of a HstSiteMapItemHandlerConfiguration and provides some configuration information to a sitemap item handler.
General valve interface.
Context information during invoking valves in a pipeline.
VirtualHost which holds the mapping between host (server name) and site name.
The container interface for VirtualHost
WrapperElement interface to wrap markup contents